Arun Chandrasekaran
- Login: arun
- Registered on: 26.10.2018
- Last connection: 14.01.2020
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Reported issues | 15 | 0 | 15 |
00:39 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5507: Markdown rendering needs improvement
- The new markdown renderer in 4.17.2 is very nice. However it still got some issues.
The following pre snippet does...
01:15 RhodeCode CE/EE Feature #5552 (New): PR dependency across repos
- It would be good to have PR dependencies across different repos. This will be vital for any decently scalable repo ma...
23:35 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5547 (New): UI not consistent between Firefox and Chrome
- Firefox shows a scrollbar, where as there is no such in Chrome. This is applicable across various other places.
![... -
17:40 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5513: Gist: GitHub flavoured markdown gist creation fails
- Just so I'm being clear, there are two issues with this rendering.
1. bullets shall not appear in front of the che... -
01:32 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5513: Gist: GitHub flavoured markdown gist creation fails
- GitHub Flavoured Markdown rendering is still an issue. This results in wrong output.
- [ ] test1
- [x] test2
13:46 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5545 (New): Merge commit to contain the username/reponame of the origin
- At present a PR merge commit shows as follows:
Merge pull request #343 from MyRepo-fork default
This ...
01:25 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5528 (Resolved): Empty Unicode file causes the PR to return HTTP 500
2019-01-30 15:32:44.687 [28848] ERROR [rhodecode.lib.codeblocks] ERROR:<FileN...
22:00 RhodeCode CE/EE Feature #5520 (Resolved): Show the head commits shas when the merge is prevented due to multiple heads
- Right now when there are multiple heads, RC shows a message:
> Merge is not currently possible because of below fa...
22:21 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5519 (New): User unable to fork the repo despite setting Repository Forking to Disabled
- Admin -> Permissions -> Global -> Repository Forking is set to Disabled and the user is unable to fork the repo to hi...
18:35 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5515: PR default reviewer is incorrect
- Fantastic!
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