Support #5495
openldap to crowd users_groups sync source
RhodeCode 4.12.4 Enterprise question:
User data and authentication was configured for ldap against an active directory domain.
Now it is configured to use crowd and crowd is configured to go against that same active directory domain.
Changing users from ldap to crowd was done in one of two ways:
$ rccontrol ishell enterprise-1
In [1]: new_extern_type = 'crowd'
In [2]: my_user = User.get_by_username('some_username')
In [3]: my_user.extern_type = new_extern_type
In [4]: my_user.extern_name = new_extern_type
In [5]: Session().add(my_user);Session().commit()
In [6]: exit()
$ psql rhodecode
rhodecode=> UPDATE users SET extern_type = 'crowd', extern_name = username WHERE extern_type = 'ldap';
Now the groups these users belong to should also be sourced from crowd rather than ldap
Admin -> User groups
show groups that existed before the change to crowd as being sync'd from ldap.
How can they be changed so that they sync from crowd?
Will this work?
$ psql rhodecode
rhodecode => UPDATE users_groups SET user_group_description = 'Automatically created from plugin:crowd' WHERE user_group_description = 'Automatically created from plugin:ldap';
Is there any other condideration that should be addressed with this ldap to crowd change?