Bug #5213
openFixing Apache Proxy timeout issues
Apache server regularly timeouts while cloning large repositories and there is little advice on how to fix it. Most advice available concentrates on push, doesnt work for clone and doesnt fix the root issue with is Apache config.
Troubleshooting the issue, there were no problems with memory, processing, disk space. gunicorn continued creating the response even after the proxy had cut the connection. So attention needs to be on the proxy config.
Adding the following to the ProxyPass statement in your standard Apache config example (in the documentation) aligns the timeouts with Rhodecode and fixes the issue:
# Url to running RhodeCode instance. This is shown as `- URL:` when
# running rccontrol status.
ProxyPass / **timeout=7200 Keepalive=On**
ProxyPassReverse /
Could I recommend updating the relevant lines in your documentation?
I am using the community edition. Fully up to date. Its working well other than the issue with large repositories.