Bug #5557
openConsider removing slashes from the RSS feed names
My company uses Outlook as their mail client, and I wanted to explain to our users of RhodeCode how they can subscribe to RSS feeds of RhodeCode repos. The subscription does work, but I also got the following error:
One or more folders in your mailbox is named incorrectly.
The name of one or more of your folders includes the character "/" or more than 250 characters. Folders with names that include this character can't be downloaded to your IMAP e-mail program
My understanding is that Outlook creates one IMAP directory for each RSS subscription, and the name of this directory is the name of the feed. For RhodeCode, the name of the feed is the path to the repo, which contains slashes.
I suggest to use another symbol in the name of the feed, to avoid this unfortunate conflict.
Updated by Marcin Kuzminski [CTO] over 5 years ago
Actually when i think about this we should leaverage repo UID for this. Because even now if a repository is renamed/removed the FEED will break.
The new URL for subscription would look like that:
Where _6 is permanent repository ID
IMHO this should fix all the problems.
Updated by Redmine Integration over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Commit d0cfe4e5822c
by Marcin Kuzminski marcin@rhodecode.com on stable
branch changed this issue.