

Markus Leitold

  • Login: markus.leitold
  • Registered on: 22.02.2019
  • Last connection: 22.02.2019


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Reported issues 2 0 2



11:16 RhodeCode CE/EE Support #5541: SVN Settings: Repository Patterns
Nice to hear I could clear things up.... Markus Leitold


17:01 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5540: Rhode Code 4.15.2 VCS Caching(?) behaviour
OK, very simple... I managed to trigger the cache - invalidation by a curl - request in a post-commit hook in the tes... Markus Leitold
16:36 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5540: Rhode Code 4.15.2 VCS Caching(?) behaviour
Hi Marcin,
thx for the explanations ... as we will use RhodeCode just for simple Code-Reviews and not for anything...
Markus Leitold
16:16 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5540: Rhode Code 4.15.2 VCS Caching(?) behaviour
Indeed .... wwwrun (the user which runs Apache) isn't (of course) allowed to run anything under /root ...
So to m...
Markus Leitold
11:59 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5540: Rhode Code 4.15.2 VCS Caching(?) behaviour
I just noticed the #! line in the RhodeCode hooks... this could be the cause that the hooks fail, this line is:
Markus Leitold
11:53 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5540: Rhode Code 4.15.2 VCS Caching(?) behaviour
Hi Marcin,
now things become clear .... in our productive repo we indeed already have post- and pre-commit hooks (...
Markus Leitold
11:23 RhodeCode CE/EE Support #5541: SVN Settings: Repository Patterns
Hi Marcin,
sure, I know... but what has this to do with my question? Perhaps I didn't make it clear enough: I'm sp...
Markus Leitold


17:31 RhodeCode CE/EE Support #5541 (New): SVN Settings: Repository Patterns
Hi everybody,
we have just a few SVN Repos but with many "Sub-Projects" each having its own "trunk/branches/tags" ...
Markus Leitold
16:23 RhodeCode CE/EE Bug #5540 (New): Rhode Code 4.15.2 VCS Caching(?) behaviour
Hi everybody,
we just installed RhodeCode CE 4.15.2 on top of our existing SVN environment with existing repositor...
Markus Leitold

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