Bug #5672
openUnable to browse git repository folders with # in names
When browsing a git repository on our Rhodecode EE server web gui, we are unable to descend into folder whose names contain a # symbol.
An example browsing URI:
Example error text for the above message says:
error: There is no file nor directory at the given path: `Code/CP3` at commit xxxx
The actual folder name in the repository is "Code/CP#3"
Also note the actual rhodecode version running is 4.26 , not 4.24 (but the options didn't allow me to specify it)
Updated by Marcin Kuzminski [CTO] almost 3 years ago
- Target version changed from v4.24 to v4.26
We're working on a new release now and will fix it asap. We can provide a patch if this is urgent for you on top of 4.26.0
Updated by Greg Gaskill almost 3 years ago
Not an urgent issue here, we can still pull the repository and look at things that way.
Updated by Redmine Integration about 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Commit b599af67f2ab
by RhodeCode Admin admin@rhodecode.com on default
branch changed this issue.