Bug #5506
openWeb UI fonts are not looking good and is difficult to read for people with low vision
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RC Web UI fonts are not looking that good. The current font family is ""proximanovaregular","Proxima Nova Regular","Proxima Nova",sans-serif". The font size is too small as well (by default). Too much space is wasted on the UI.
GitHub/GitLab/Kallithea fonts look much better and the UI space appears to be well utilized in Kallithea.
Updated by Arun Chandrasekaran over 6 years ago
From what I saw, RC font color is too light as well. This reduces the contrast.
RC uses color: #323232
GitHhub uses color: #24292e
Updated by Arun Chandrasekaran over 6 years ago
Attached below the updated stylesheet. The UI looks like this:
Updated by Arun Chandrasekaran over 6 years ago
This is the correct style.css.