



Bug #3976


CE edition doesn't allow to log-in anymore

Added by Marcin Kuzminski [CTO] about 8 years ago. Updated about 8 years ago.

Target version:
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Not sure how that happened, but if you run CE edition, you cannot log-in anymore.

relevant entries from logs:

2016-06-02 23:10:07.992 DEBUG [routes.middleware] No route matched for POST /_admin/login
2016-06-02 23:10:07.994 DEBUG [beaker.container] data file /tmp/rcdev/data/sessions/container_file/8/8e/8ef16544fbdf4fabb1cf30d860d6b4c8.cache
2016-06-02 23:10:07.994 DEBUG [beaker.container] lock_creatfunc (didnt wait)
2016-06-02 23:10:07.995 DEBUG [beaker.container] get_value creating new value
2016-06-02 23:10:07.996 DEBUG [beaker.container] set_value stored time 1464909007.996902 expire time 10
2016-06-02 23:10:07.997 DEBUG [beaker.container] released create lock
2016-06-02 23:10:07.997 DEBUG [rhodecode.lib.auth] No data in <AuthUser('id:None[None] ip: auth:False')> that could been used to log in
2016-06-02 23:10:07.998 DEBUG [rhodecode.lib.auth] Failed to load user <AuthUser('id:None[None] ip: auth:False')>. Fallback to default user
2016-06-02 23:10:07.998 DEBUG [rhodecode.model.user] doing fill data based on: user_id:1 api_key:None username:None
2016-06-02 23:10:07.999 DEBUG [rhodecode.model.user] filling user:<User('id:1:default')> data
2016-06-02 23:10:08.020 DEBUG [rhodecode.lib.auth] Auth User is now <AuthUser('id:1[default] ip: auth:True')>
2016-06-02 23:10:08.040 DEBUG [beaker.container] data file /tmp/rcdev/data/sessions/container_file/5/5c/5c0f11bf6a1049828138ab460af64361.cache
2016-06-02 23:10:08.046 WARNI [rhodecode.model.validators] user `admin` failed to authenticate
2016-06-02 23:10:08.048 DEBUG [rhodecode.lib.auth] Using user attribute from global request
Actions #1

Updated by Johannes Bornhold about 8 years ago

  • Target version set to v4.1
Actions #2

Updated by Johannes Bornhold about 8 years ago

Do we know which code was deployed there?

Actions #3

Updated by Marcin Kuzminski [CTO] about 8 years ago

It's my local instance running from source code, latest commit: e1849c1a3334

Actions #4

Updated by Johannes Bornhold about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
Actions #5

Updated by Johannes Bornhold about 8 years ago

Tried to reproduce this, but failed so far. Could it be that you had special auth settings in the containers? Maybe only the container plugin (which had some issues at that time)?

Actions #6

Updated by Johannes Bornhold about 8 years ago

Hmm, should we not see some debug output that the plugins are tried?

Could it be that some migrations have not been applied to your database? You could try the new fallback setting in the INI file to find out if that changes something.

Actions #7

Updated by Marcin Kuzminski [CTO] about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Rejected

ahh the fallback .ini fixed this. I had some inconsistent data inside my database, probably with playing to much with the code. Sorry for the bad ticket then.


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