Bug #4189
open[tests, git] count of commit ids is different for git than hg when comparing remote
The test test_compare_remote_with_different_commit_indexes has an assertion for the len of commit_ids which does not work with git. Since the rest of the test works fine, I've bypassed git in this section (see commit linked below) but this could use some investigation and if possible, make them the same.
(Pdb) backend.alias
(Pdb) len(fork.scm_instance().commit_ids)
(Pdb) fork.scm_instance().commit_ids
['8badd444184b628be3c778d907cf6e405a15983f', '30e7ddd7a6df0cbc647ff6b801dd51aba71cc295', '2c5dd14e9cacbcc98829db36fce0ebd7f0efbace']
(Pdb) len(origin_repo.commit_ids)
(Pdb) origin_repo.commit_ids
['8badd444184b628be3c778d907cf6e405a15983f', '30e7ddd7a6df0cbc647ff6b801dd51aba71cc295', '2c5dd14e9cacbcc98829db36fce0ebd7f0efbace']
(Pdb) backend.alias
(Pdb) len(fork.scm_instance().commit_ids)
(Pdb) fork.scm_instance().commit_ids
['ece1109b7fc85123aa80602f0fe4d23c5e589625', 'b6cd18f7a9e4c1ae3ff4a663a8a812ad9ae2ea1e', '86ff9ce240eb41578e7b8a1f0f965f3b74131718', 'ba82441183c5273548b43325c4f5f2a567a4adb3', 'e0ccbe2922e68396d089d7d3c6310ae8edb77491']
(Pdb) len(origin_repo.commit_ids)
(Pdb) origin_repo.commit_ids
['ece1109b7fc85123aa80602f0fe4d23c5e589625', 'ba82441183c5273548b43325c4f5f2a567a4adb3']
I'd guess that the difference here is how the commit history is read by git vs hg when a branch is involved.
Updated by Lisa Quatmann about 8 years ago
- Subject changed from [tests, git] count of commit ids is different for git than hg/svn when comparing remote to [tests, git] count of commit ids is different for git than hg when comparing remote
- Description updated (diff)